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How PhysioFunction can help with Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP)

PhysioFunction’s highly specialised neurological physiotherapists, musculoskeletal physiotherapists, therapy assistants, personal trainers and sports therapists are able to deliver tailored programs for clients affected with different types of HSP.

Some examples of the therapy you may receive includes:

  • Assessment of specialist orthotics or FES devices such as Turbomed Bioness GO to assist with Drop Foot
  • Pain management with musculoskeletal therapy - Acupuncture, electrotherapy, manual therapy, taping.
  • Group exercise- We are also able to offer group exercise with our multi-level Neurofit classes which are delivered via Zoom following assessment from one of our specialist Physiotherapists. Your Physiotherapist will be able to assess and determine which class may be suitable for you.
  • Referral to specialist Occupational Therapy

What is Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP)

Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP) is a diagnosis which covers a large group of rare and inherited neurological disorders. HSP causes degeneration of the upper motor neurons within the brain and spinal cord. While there are over 80 different types of HSP, they share the primary problem of difficulty walking which is due to muscle weakness (paraplegia) and muscle stiffness (spasticity).

There may be a huge variation in both muscle weakness and the severity of the spasticity in individuals who have the same type of HSP as well as the difference between the different genetic types.

Treatment of HSP

Treatment of the condition is based around the management of the symptoms – weakness and spasticity.

Physiotherapy will aim to

  • Optimise and improve cardiovascular fitness,
  • Optimise and improve muscle strength
  • Improve mechanics for walking, balance, falls prevention and function
  • Maximise the individual’s independence

Medical management will focus primarily on medication control for muscle relaxation e.g. systemic through a pump or localised muscle injections with Botulinum toxin.

Orthotics are often used in conjunction with medical management and physiotherapy, particularly to lift the foot when walking.

Useful Links

The Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia Support Group

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