Sports Massage
Our Sports Therapists are qualified to provide sports massage to treat soft tissue related injuries. The types of massage we offer are:
This is where a light amount of pressure at a moderate pace to generate heat into the muscle to help improve the mobility the muscle/joint and to reduce pain. It is also commonly used at the start of treatment to help prepare the muscle for more intense manual therapy. It can help increase blood flow, joint mobility, and sensory feedback.
Deep Tissue Massage
This is when a firm amount of pressure is provided over a muscle to help the elasticity of the muscle to help reduce any tension or calcification that has occurred due to injury or muscle weakness. This generally tends to be the main component and is the most commonly used part of a massage.
Deep transverse frictions
This is a form of Deep tissue massage where the massage is repeated back and forth over the muscle/portion of the muscle to promote healing
Trigger point treatment
This is much like Deep tissue therapy but the amount of pressure is localised to a specific point know as a ‘pressure point’ where there is a small build up of intense pressure to a muscle. Although this can be intense for some it has immediate effects on reduction in pain and muscle tension.
Myofascial release
This a type of soft tissue massage that helps to release restriction in the myofascial network that helps bind muscles or a group of muscle, tendons, muscle, bone, ligaments, and organ of your body and protect them.
When restricted they can reduce muscles overall range of movement so to treat this therapist apply a light amount of pressure to the skin and gentle move their hands along the muscle in order to help stretch the myofascial and release it of and tension that may be causing a reduction in the clients movement.