Neurological Physiotherapy is aimed to improve the function of the nervous system to restore normal movement in the areas of the body which are affected.
The type of treatment delivered will be determined after a detailed assessment and will be individualised to treat the specific presentation, but we commonly aim to improve confidence in movement and reinforce positive feedback when small goals are achieved. This helps the brain and nervous system learn that these movements are achievable and can be performed.
Here at PhysioFunction we use technology to support and enhance the nervous systems ability to recover movement and function.
Some of the treatments you will access includes:
Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) is a condition that affects the how the nervous system functions and how the brain sends and receives signals to and from the body. Symptoms are caused by a disordered nervous system where no damage has occurred.
The symptoms of FND are out of the individual’s control and the precise symptom presentation and severity varies from person to person. Some examples of symptoms include:
Various risk factors for FND have been proposed and include exposure to psychological stressors, a traumatic event or a period of illness. These do not cause any structural changes in the brain or body, rather affecting the networks within the brain and body, causing symptoms to persist after the event and can often worsen over time without any intervention. FND commonly occurs alongside diagnosed psychological health conditions including depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder.
The diagnosis of FND is based on positive features and is not a diagnosis of exclusion of other conditions. Diagnosis will generally consist of physical examination, blood tests and scans carried out by Neurological Consultants.
Treatment is recommended to be multidisciplinary, treating the presenting symptoms and begins with establishing a two-way communication between clinician and patient to improve understanding and engage patients in their own treatment.