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Sophie’s Rehabilitation Journey with PhysioFunction

Introducing our client, Sophie who has been coming to weekly sessions at PhysioFunction for nearly three years. Sophie first came to us in November 2021 six months into her rehabilitation journey following brain surgery and a diagnosis of Posterior Fossa Syndrome.

In the early days of her recovery Sophie was unsteady on her feet, requiring hands on support to walk. Sophie’s balance and co-ordination were affected in her arms and legs and her movements were ataxic. Sophie also faced challenges with disturbed vision, fatigue and her speech was slurred and slower.

Initially in physiotherapy sessions we worked on core strengthening, balance control in standing, and safety and confidence in walking. We have progressed to running on the Alter G treadmill, cycling on the watt bike, circuit training, jumping, hopping and skipping as well as negotiating all manner of obstacles including stepping on and off a moving treadmill.

Claire, Specialist Neurological Physiotherapist who worked with Sophie says, “The changes Sophie has made are amazing! Sophie has achieved all this alongside studying for her A levels, gaining a place at university and going out with her friends and family and enjoying life. I don’t think we will ever forget the week Sophie turned up for her physiotherapy session unable to speak because she had screamed so much at a Harry Styles concert – which she walked into and stood up at the whole night!

Every week Megan and I have loved the challenge of what can Sophie do next! It has got quite competitive at times, we have all had a lot of fun, but Sophie has been determined throughout and each week progressed a little more.

A couple of things that have never changed are Sophie’s ‘can do attitude’ and the support of Sophie’s family and the Danny Green Fund in her recovery. Sophie has always been cheerful and enthusiastic in her session, always willing to try new challenges and determined to keep practicing until they are mastered. The Danny Green Fund have made the therapy sessions happen and Sophie’s family have supported, encouraged and championed her on ever step of her journey.

We are inspired by Sophie’s recovery, and excited to see what lies ahead as the journey continues. Good luck Sophie …and keep in touch!”.

We asked Sophie what her biggest achievement is since coming to PhysioFunction, she said that she has improved loads including being able to carry her own bag and the biggest one of being able to walk her dog. She told us that the biggest difference she has noticed on her journey with us is her balance, everything is a lot better, and she is feeling better.

The thing she has enjoyed the most on her journey is seeing so many improvements and that it keeps getting better the further along she has got with her sessions. She would definitely recommend others to PhysioFunction for their rehabilitation journeys.

The biggest thing that she will take from her time here is that she didn’t know what a difference that physiotherapy would make to her rehab. Her progress has continued so much, and she would not be as advanced if it wasn’t for physiotherapy. Sophie said she didn’t understand that the brain tumour would affect her body so much and how much physiotherapy could improve her quality of life.

Sophie’s Dad says, “I am grateful that PhysioFunction exists, I can’t overstate how much of a difference it has made to Sophie’s recovery. You guys are so good at getting Sophie to put the effort in, it has made such a difference.”

Sophie’s Mum says, “Sophie couldn’t walk heel to toe when she first came here, she had flat feet.

Sophie was in a wheelchair when she first came to PhysioFunction, she couldn’t walk heel to toe, she had flat feet. Her confidence has grown so much, Megan & Claire have helped Sophie be confident. Sophie’s speech was affected so she doesn’t speak a lot outside of the home, Sophie talks a lot at PhysioFunction and isn’t worried about her speech.

Her progress has been amazing, you never know how recovery is going to go. Sophie would 100% not be where she is now if she didn’t come to PhysioFunction, she won’t do anything at home so coming here has pushed her to do it. I’ve never seen anyone with PFS recover like Sophie has, other people I’ve seen on Facebook have not recovered as much as Sophie.

PhysioFunction have been a lifeline for us, so few places offer specialist treatment. It’s great that you guys knew about PFS. We know someone who has been coming here for seven years. It is such a rare condition that we are lucky that PhysioFunction knew what you were doing. Claire has previously worked with another PFS child we know so she hit the ground running with Sophie.”

Sophie’s treatment has been funded by The Danny Green Fund, a charity set up to support children who suffering from the effects of PFS as the result of a brain tumour. Sophie got involved in the Danny Green Fund when her Dad contacted Lisa, the founder through their Facebook page.

Words from Lisa Green, founder of The Danny Green Fund, “The Danny Green Fund are delighted to have funded Sophie's physiotherapy sessions with PhysioFunction for the last 2 years.

The charity supports children who are suffering from Posterior Fossa Syndrome as the result of a brain tumour, PFS causes various neurological disabilities as the result of surgery to remove the brain tumour. The Danny Green Fund pays for therapy sessions to help children and teenagers who are suffering from PFS from around the UK by funding therapy sessions to help them to recover from the effects of PFS.

It has been wonderful to see the progress that Sophie has made as a result of the bespoke therapy sessions provided by PhysioFunction Ltd.

We are grateful to PhysioFunction Ltd for the support they have given Sophie which has enabled her to regain her independence.”

Well done Sophie, from everyone here at PhysioFunction we wish you the best of luck in the future and know you will do amazing things.

Sophie’s Rehabilitation Journey with PhysioFunction image

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