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PhysioFunction Working Changes

We are going to begin opening our clinics at Hawthorn Park, Spratton for Neurological Physiotherapy and Sports therapy. This will be a gradual process and we will be limiting numbers of staff and clients on site making sure we take all precautions to keep both our clients and staff safe.

Our clinic at Hawthorn Park will be opening from Monday 1st June 2020 and will be initially staffed by Claire Everett – Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Keiran Cox – Monday to Friday, Taher Dhuliawala – Tuesday and Thursday and in Client Services – Kyeisha Loudon – Monday to Friday supported by Operations Manager – Helen Logan.

Please note we will continue to offer Telerehab to all clients. The timings of your current sessions may change slightly to allow for some face to face appointments to take place. Appointments will be made on the advice of clinicians and after a client risk assessment and clinical reasoning has taken place. Standard appointments will remain the same and be one hour long consisting of 50 minutes treatment and 10 mins of exercise email and notes – whilst client dressing/ preparing to leave.

We will not be able to see any client who has had symptoms, a confirmed case, or has been in contact with anyone who has had symptoms or a confirmed case (including other members your household) of Covid-19 for 14 days after the symptoms or illness have gone

There will be a health screening form for all clients and their carers and a consent form for all clients. This must be completed, signed, and emailed to prior to arrival. Whilst we endeavour to minimise the risk as much as possible it is impossible to eliminate all risk.

Clinical staff will be wearing gloves (where suitable), aprons and fluid resistant surgical masks. Where it is not suitable to wear gloves handwashing procedures have already been implemented. Gloves and aprons will be changed between patients. Visors will be available when assessed as being required.

The clinical environment will be thoroughly cleaned between clients and includes chairs, couches, equipment, and door handles that have been in contact with a client.

Please ensure you arrive at the clinic on time, not early or late as we must adhere to the timings given, and we are not allowing use of the waiting room at this present time. When you arrive at the clinic please wait outside or in your car and the clinician will come and meet you to escort you in.

Please also note that the toilets will also be closed unless in the case of emergency.

The clinician will ask you to confirm that you are symptom and illness free and that you have not been in contact with anyone who has shown symptoms or had the virus for 14 days before providing entry. Once you are in the clinic you must use the hand gel provided to you. You will also have the option of wearing a mask.

Once your treatment session is complete you will be escorted to the exit. For those who pay by cash or cheque, where possible please arrange to make payment by bank transfer or card payment over the telephone. No payments will be taken in the Hawthorn Park office.

Points to note:

No waiting in reception

Clients to attend alone unless they are a minor or too infirm in which case, they may bring one parent/carer who must also complete the health screening form.

Do not bring in any bags or non-essential items

Please do not wear your own gloves or mask. Masks will be provided for you which you should remove and bin on exit.

For further information or to book an appointment, please call 0800-043-0327 or email

We look forward to seeing you in the clinic as soon as is possible for you.

Best Wishes

Jon Graham

Clinical Director

PhysioFunction Working Changes image

We currently accept the following Private Medical Insurance